Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's been awhile...

Hey everyone. Sorry about the lapse in posts...I don't really have a good, I'll make one up.

Space monkeys. Space monkeys came and messed with our internet connection. There were wires and fiber optics and little bits of space monkey everywhere. Very messy.

Anyway, I'm back!

Let's, last time I posted I talked about my new music plan for my classroom. So far it's been really cool. My class enjoyed Pachelbel's Canon in D, and now they're enjoying Beethoven's 14th Sonata, better known as the "Moonlight Sonata." I've also really enjoyed getting the suggestions from those of you who have made comments. I think I've got a bit more than I bargained for--there is a LOT of very significant music out there, you know? (c;

Last night, after watching American Idol, which we love, Bibi and I had a BLAST doing the dishes. I know, I know, we're such dorks, but we were rocking out to James Brown in the kitchen doing ridiculous little dances and just all and all having a blast. It was really fun. (It's an amazing thing when you get to spend your life with your best friend!!!)

On the literary front, I've read quite a few books in the hiatus. I read a book called, "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Toll. VERY interesting book. It's about spirituality, reality, time, evanescence (the quality, not the musical group) and the nature of our existence. Very interesting book. I'd recommend it highly.

After that I read Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. It's a very interesting and skillfully crafted tale about a Greek family that came to the US in the 1920s. It follows the family line through three generations while exploring issues such as national pride, war, politics, sexuality, gender, family, adolescence, and the value and importance of death as it relates to life. The narrator is a hermaphrodite born and raised as a girl who then realizes that he is actually male. The author, Eugenides, does an amazing job of allowing the narrator to "sound" feminine as a child and preteen, conflicted as all teenagers are as a teenager, and then masculine later in life.

Very well told story. Again, I'd recommend it.

I also read a book on the Bradley Method of childbirth. That was really interesting. I learned SO much about childbirth, labor, the female body and the miracle of life. Even if you're not going for a natural childbirth, I'd recommend it as a refresher for that unit during high school on human reproduction. (c;

And, now, I'm reading the new book by Christopher Moore. It's called....(wait for it...) "You Suck: A Love Story". It's a sequal to Moore's comedic smash, "Bloodsucking Fiends", also a love story. (With vampires.) So far, hilarious. At one point, Moore refers to someone who gestures wildly with his hands as having "ASL Tourettes". (c;

All right. That's all. Hope you're all having a great time out there. Anyone else counting down to Lost's return tonight?!

Congrat's to Matt and Courtney...(don't forget...I'll perform the ceremony if you'll let me!!!!)

Thanks for stopping by ya'll!


1 comment:

Jen said...

You guys ARE super dorky, but also very very cute.