Friday, June 22, 2007

Exploding Poo and other joys of Fatherhood....

So, in one of my previous posts, I told you all about how Grace had poo'ed all over Bibi, and that she had peed on me. Great fun right?

Well, yesterday, I was a bit worried about Grace. She had been fussy all day. She looked upset...she looked concerned...she looked...well, not to be too paranoid, but she looked like she was in pain.

Last night, right before I took Leo for his walk, I went in to change Miss Gracie. I was chatting with her, just loving the fact that I get spend time with her, when her face scrunched up...she was making a very frustrated, strained face.

And then...

It happened.

There was poo...well, everywhere. The wall, the towel under her, my arm, my hand, I'm pretty sure that had I been leaning any closer, I'd have gotten a good amount of that crap in my mouth. (Pun, obviously intended. (c; )

And, afterwards?

Miss Grace was just all smiles. Apparently, she HAD been in pain. Gas pain, poo pain, whatever you'd like to call it...she was feeling...uh, pressure. (c;

And, just like that, she wasn't.

And, for those of you who were are some more pictures....

Here's Grace and her puppy Leo. He loves her so....

And this one is, obviously of Gracie sleeping.


Rebecca said...

She's beautiful!

Unknown said...

She has CUTE ears!