Sunday, August 12, 2007

Einstein's Theory of Relativity Explained....

Tonight it occurred to me that I have learned something recently.

When a baby is crying...and, I mean REALLY crying, cheeks all red, eye's squinched up, tears streaming down the cheeks, and that long, long cry that takes up all the little one's air, so that the cry is actually a quiet one, which makes it all the worse...that kind of crying....well, five minutes of that stuff can seem like an absolute LIFETIME of impotence and helplessness.

And the 5 and a half hours between when she finally falls asleep and you wake up to change her in the wee hours of the morning? Yeah, that seems like about 8 seconds.

See? Einstein's Theory of Relativity explained. Not too tough, if I do say so myself. (c;

Thanks for stopping by...


1 comment:

Jen said...

Yep, that about sums it up.