Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Well, today has gone well so far. We had an assembly about summer school, and that was kind of exciting. I'm looking forward to it. I love teaching, and summer school is somewhat of a "no pressure" teaching situation, plus, it's great money. (c;

I got to start writing today. I've had an idea for a story that I thought sounded really interesting, and I've been putting off starting on it; but today, I just said, "what the heck" and began. I decided I had a feeling for one scene in my mind, and I just started there. I don't want to say too much about it, but I've got that first scene kind of well sketched out now. I need to spend some time brainstorming and defining where I want to go...most of what I've written prior to this has been essayish vignettes about my view on different things. This is really different...I have to define the story, and see how it's going to play out. Also, my character, well, we have some definite similarities, but it's not autobiographical, so that's kind of new.

Anyway, that's cool. Oh, and I'm going to a ball this weekend with the girl I've started dating. (c; Fun, fun!

More later! (Look at this, two days in a row! One more and I'm on a streak!)


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