Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Get your @ss out there and VOTE!!!!

I gotta say...I know that I am lucky...I am fully aware. I don't think that I need anyone to point that out. However, today was just one more piece...and, it fit.

I've been excited about this election for weeks. The electoral process really pumps me up...even with it's numerous flaws. Anyway. When I got up this morning I left even earlier so that I could vote before school. I felt such a feeling of awe leaving the polling place, as I realized that I was standing on the shoulders of giants, participating in this....privilege...this wonderful right....this responsibility. So, it was awesome when Bibi called me at school and told me that she was really bothered by the fact that she hadn't gotten her absentee ballot, nor had she registered here in Kville. So, she was driving to KC in order to be able to exercise her right. How amazing is my wife? There are people who can't even drive across town...heck, even some who won't cross the street to vote...won't bother to look up the issues, find out about the ballot measures or who is running. Not my wife....she'll drive three hours one in order to vote. (I love my wife!!!)

Thanks for reading....


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