Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Well, at last the day is here. I am done with school for another
year. It's always a bittersweet time. I'm going to miss these kids a
great deal. They're a good bunch, and I have a lot of fond memories. Good
times, good times.

Wedding plans are coming together. Bibi is amazing. She's really doing an
amazing job of organizing and situating, but I really feel like I'm a part
of the process--as much as I can be, before school is out.

Today is another one of those cool days where I get to play a fun song for
the kids...."School's Out" by Alice Cooper. Yeah, that's right. I'm THAT
teacher. (c;

Oh, and I found a HIlarious clip of the Peanuts Gang dancing to OutKast's
"Hey Ya", which I'm showing to the kids, too. (Thanks, Matt! It's

Well, until later...God bless, and have a great day!

Thanks for reading...


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