Saturday, November 04, 2006

dog days....

Hey, what's going on?

The end of the week went well. School was good, and we had our Native American Day festivities yesterday. My job is to do soap carving with my half of the fifth graders. (And, for those of you who have witnessed my natural artistic abilities, we're all thinking the same thing: Those poor kids!!!)

Last night Bibi has some friends in from out of town, and we went out for dinner. That was good. Had the duck...always a tasty treat.

However, when we got home, I took Leo out, and he threw up twice. Thought maybe he was just excited by having so many people over. Well, in the next two hours he threw up around 25 times. So, needless to say, we called the vet and asked what we should do. (Our worst fear, distemper, which results in death to about half the dogs that get it, was ruled out, as it's usually accommpanied by other significant problems. The vet told us that most likely he swallowed something that wasn't going to all the way through, and he was trying to get it back up. Well, we watched him through the night, he continued to retch til about 2:30ish, and then he slept through the night. We fed him a little bit this morning, and he hasn't been sick since last night. So, we think we're through the thick of it. Whooh. Glad that appears to be over with, let me tell you.

Well, hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

Hey, who is going to vote this Tuesday?



Anonymous said...

Man, aren't puppies GREAT?! :D

JNo said...

Poor Leo and Leo's parents!! Hopefully he passed (one way or the other) the offending substance! Definitely going to vote - if nothing else to celebrate the last day of the badgering ads - could they at least QUIT CALLING ME AT HOME!!! It's bad enough to have it on every station both tv and radio - but 5 messages on the answering machine too - LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! Sorry - just needed to vent!