Tuesday, December 12, 2006

and the beat goes on....

So, I just finished reading the Iraq Study Group report that came out last week. It was a very interesting read. I started reading the day that it came out (Dec. 6) and read a little of what the press was saying about it as I went. I had really high hopes before it came out that maybe this would really turn things around, and that maybe, just maybe we would have a glimmer of peace.
Apparently, I'm naive. It was very disheartening that the Bush administration was dismissing it out of hand. Admittedly, the recommendations were a bit lofty; realistically speaking, a lot of the recommendations and suggestions seemed too dependent on the decisions and actions of countries like Syria and Iran, and that might be difficult. However, why the hell won't Bush TRY?! I mean, it seems pretty obvious that excluding the countries that border Iraq from the whole process might be setting us up to fail...and, it almost seems as if this administration is acting in a way that would be positioning us to be in Iraq indefinitely.

So, any thoughts from those of you who have read the report? (Or, anywho one hasn't read it?)


Anyway, welcome to my new reader Brigit, and to everyone out there...read a book! (c;

And, I'm still compiling my thoughts on Person of the Year. So, stay tuned...

Thanks for stopping by...



Unknown said...

I'm starting to think like my dad. He thinks we should pull out of Iraq. We should close our borders for awhile and clean house. You can help the world, but first you have to help yourself. Get things fixed here and then let's try and help the world get sorted out.

Damn the man, save the Empire!

JNo said...

I think I may be related to "Apothecary" - or at least we may have the same dad! And like "Apothecary", I'm beginning to wonder if it's not a bad idea. You know, when the plane is going down, put your mask on first, then help your family - you can't be an effective helper when the mask isn't on.

Anyway, agree/disagree with Time's POTY?