Monday, December 04, 2006

a proviso....

I wanted to clarify the previous post...I'm hoping to provoke a discussion of individuals on the global, when I said who should be "My Life's" Person of the Year I didn't mean Tommy Estlund's person of the year, I meant that I couldn't call it "Time's Person of the Year", so it had to be My Life's POTY. (Have I clarified in ANY way, or muddied the waters ever more so?) So, in other words, is it going to be George W, Obama, Madonna and her crazy adoptive ways, Britney going commando, Lance Bass proving that you can be attractive to millions of teenage girls and boys, or someone else? the judge. (c;



1 comment:

JNo said...

Hmmmm - what about the American Soldier - stuck between duty, what is right morally, what is right politically, and what they believe in their hearts. Other choices look good too - not big on the commando Brit (ewooo) or big bucks adoption. Could also go with TomKat and his assinine comment about antidepressants.