Friday, January 12, 2007


Hey everyone....thought I'd clarify my last post.

Bibi and I are moving at the end of this school year. I am MOST DEFINITELY staying at my job through the end of the school year....I am NOT going to renig on my committment to my students or my school.

What I meant in my last posting was that we are going to try and find a place for Bibi and I to get so that SHE can move middle of May, and I"ll finish up the school year and THEN go down to be with her. So. There ya go.

Oh, and we didn't go to KC tonight b/c the roads were so bad. Hopefully we'll be able to go tomorrow.'s just a quiet Friday night.

What are you up to?



Mr. Maxwell said...

Uhh, an awkward evening, to say the least.

JNo said...

You've got the "good dad" thing going already since you decided to stay in Kv for the weather! Great start (glad to hear it - was a little worried - mom genes).