Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Snow/Ice Day

Whoo hoo! Another snow day! (In case you can't pick up on the sarcasm that I intended, trust me--it was there.) I REALLY don't want to make up any more school days! Ugh!

Ok, so last time we met, it was Monday morning. Monday was a great day--students were fantastic, and we got a lot accomplished. Monday after school I went home and relaxed, watched some tv, and read. Then, I got a very welcome old friend, one who is very special to me, called out of the blue. We chatted for over an hour about all kinds of topics, and it was just very pleasant. She is someone that I can talk to about almost anything, and our conversations range from the mundane (which you just can't beat sometimes) to the deeply intellectual, spiritual or otherwise stimulating topics. It was just a really excellent way to end the day.

Yesterday morning I woke up and found that school was cancelled. I went to the coffee shop, hung out, read, and relaxed. Then a couple of friends came over and we went to Il Spazio for lunch. There I ran into an ex girlfriend. That was interesting.

You see, she's the first girl that I thought about marrying. We "courted" actually, and it was a really good relationship, and probably the second most pleasant break-up ever. However, she's married now, and she is expecting her first child. Don't get me wrong...I'm happy for's just hard sometimes. I'm 26, which in Kirksville means that you're old. REALLY old. I'm older than most of the med students for crying out loud. So, to see someone that I almost married, living the family life, happily married and moving onto parenthood, well, it can be difficult.

Went to karaoke last night and saw Flight of the Phoenix. Class is going well today.

Anywho...more later. God bless ya'll...


1 comment:

girlski said...


It's Hadler... I'm checking up on you via your blog. I hope da Ville is stilling treating you fine and dandy.

How is that campaign for mayor coming along? ;)