Tuesday, April 11, 2006


So, I was going to post this morning before school started, but came to find out that my employer has blocked blogger from the school web. So....no more blogging for tommy, 'cept at Bibi's house. (I love you Bibi!!)

Today was decent....I woke up yesterday with this unbelievably bad back pain...it felt like someone was stabbing me repeatedly in the back. Didn't think anything of it...just though maybe I slept on it wrong. However, my overactive imagination has turned it into kidney stones, kidney infection, or perhaps I woke up in a tub full of ice, and there is a slit in my back, and I don't remember....

Finished New Religious Movements. It was REALLY good. Very enjoyable read, and very readable, at that. Plus, I have it on good authority, that Bibi and I might be getting the author to officiate at our wedding! (c'

I'm reading a book I picked up from a good friend of mine who teaches high school. It's called Assassins of Memory, and it's about people who deny the holocaust. Interesting so far.

All right! More later!

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

J said...

You can set up your blog so that you can send an e-mail to an address originating from your blog, and can write an e-mail that becomes a blog entry. It bypasses browsers that block blogging, because it'd have to block you from e-mailing someone. Happy blogging!