Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Come in from the Rain

Well! What a week it's been, eh? We've had some great discussions going, and I want to say thank you to all who participated. It's funny....I've been asking questions to my readers from some time now, in each post, and I've tried often to spark interesting debates. I really did not think that would happen when I posted on my educational theory last week. Kudo's to all of you who participated. Next topic?

And, I'd like to welcome my new friends from California....although I've never heard of Tujunga before. And, how close is that to Oxnard?


Thanks for stopping by....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to say I enjoyed myself this week, even though my feathers got pretty ruffled there for a while!!! Hopefully we can continue to have spirited and clean conversations!!

Cheers, Have a great weekend!!

Nichole C.