Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Dog Days of Summer....

Well, things are going swimmingly. Bibi and I drove down to Oklahoma City, OK this weekend to pick up the newest member of our family, Leo, a Rhodesian Ridgeback/German Shepherd mix. He's absolutely adorable and feisty to boot! He's rowdy, but sleeps A LOT! (It was so much fun to come home today after school to find the little guy awaiting my return....and, man did the time fly. It was time for me to make dinner for when Bibi came home in no time flat!!!

We're reading a book by the Monks of New Skete on dog training, and it's cool so far. Very common sense, but not what I would have naturally thought of. So, that's cool.

I also just finished the 9/11 commission adaptation. Very interesting, and a really good read....I'd recommend it.

So, yeah...that's what going on.

So....yeah...thanks for stopping by!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are right about that song, my friend.

One song that always stands out to me... nerd alert... is Bat Out of Hell by Meat Loaf. I mean, Steinman is a god among men, and Meat Loaf is a great vocalist. Course I'm also obbsessed with him, so...