Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hi everybody!!!!

Apparently, I failed window proofing day of kindergarden.

So, just a quick few updates:

1.) Election day is coming...get registered!!!!

2.) In the spirit of democracy, I wanted to let you all know about this great website about stem cell research...whatever your view, it's always better to be informed. (Thanks JNo!!!)

3.) Life is good.'s your question....who do you like for president in 2008?




aaron said...

Barack Obama. Yes he is young, but he is well spoken and intelligent.

We need someone who can speak intelligently, and intelligibly on the issues. He also seems to keep things in perspective and not toe the party line too much.

It also wouldn't hurt having someone that hasn't been in the beltway too long and can connect to the younger citizens.

Anonymous said...

barak obama speaks intelligently? everytime i listen to him, i feel like i'm at a pentacostal revival and he is the evangelist. ugh.

Anonymous said...

If Barack Obama gets elected I'm going to tell my husband just to quit his job and go on welfare. He'll get more money that way.

Oh wait, that wasn't constructive.