Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I say tomato, you say tomahto...

So, in the news today, we see that there are new regulations in the countries laws regarding same-sex education. At the risk of opening up a whole new can of worms, I thought I'd get everyone's opinion on that deal. What do you all think? Is same-sex education another piece of the puzzle toward educational advancement, or is it a throw back to the Brown vs. the Board of Education debates of the 50's? Is this necessarily discrimination, or is this acknowledging the possibility that boys and girls actually are different?

What do you all think?

(I'll share my view in a couple of days...)

Oh, and apparently boys are wearing their pants in a "sagging" fashion. This is news? ABC news is covering it tonight, as I type. People have been wearing their pants thusly since I was a freshman in high school!!! Argh!

All right, leave your thoughts on the gender education issue, if you would....




Jen said...

Dude, I am afraid I have no strong opinions on the subject. I suppose that puts me in the "Leave it be," category, eh?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure it needs to be "taught." How would same-sex education be any different than opposite-sex education. Wouldn't sex-ed teach the same either way?

If anything the kids need exposure to same-sex couples so they have practice "tolerating" people unlike themselves. But let's not force this "sexual integratation" like schools in lexington, mass (google it) do....that only creates a fight among opinionated parents.

Tommy Estlund said...


You may want to go back and re-read the article. However, I'll sum it up here...same-sex education has nothing to do with teaching about homosexuality. It is looking at the benefits and drawbacks of separating boys and girls into different classrooms so that the boys would all be together and the girls would be together. So, it really wouldn't address the teaching of same-sex couples at all.

Hope that clarifies that for you. (c;

Anonymous said...

obviously, i didn't read the article.. just you blog and was confused by your reference.

but i do bring up another point that will need to be address by schools in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Would that mean that the teachers would have to be the same sex as the students?

My cousins live in RI and they all went to same sex schools. They received great educations and don't seem worse off for it.

I think same sex classes would alleviate a lot of distractions for students possibly, kind of like uniforms do.