Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Throw the book at 'em!!!

I know I've had kind of an unintentional them going here with educational posts, but, well, when it rains, it pours.

This just in, filed under "I" for irony....

Dateline: Texas. (I think I told some people it was Florida...oops!)

Last week, during National "Banned Book Week", a parent filed a complaint on the behalf of his sophomore daughter. He objected to one of the books that her class was reading. Now, two things:

1) His daughter had opted to read something else, and was not being penalized for this choice.
2.) The book in question was "Fahrenheit 451," written by Ray Bradbury, about the perils of a society that bans books. Hmm....maybe he should have read it first.....

So, of course the fact that his daughter wasn't being forced to read the book meant that the problem was solved, right? Well, since you're reading about it here....guess again. The book was removed, entirely, from the high school library. So much for personal choice, right? Right?!


Here's the link....http://www.hcnonline.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=17270600&BRD=1574&PAG=461&dept_id=532215&rfi=6

That's all I got. Oh, and an addendum to my earlier post about Studio 60's similarity to Sports Night. My anonymous poster was right....it's not as good as Sports Night. It never will be, because Sports Night was as close to television perfection as televions will ever again be. However, not watching a show because it isn't as good as Sports Night would mean not watching any televsion at all. So, instead of isolating myself from that medium, I'm going to accept the fact that no amount of hope, prayer, and angry letters threatening boycott to "the powers that be" will bring back the show, and I"m going to watch my DVD's as much as possible, and then? I'm going to watch Studio 60 because regardless of the show...Aaron Sorkin is the finest writer of televsion today.

So, there ya go.

Thanks for stopping by!!!



Anonymous said...

AD > Sports Night.

Just my opinion, and a lot of others. Sports Night from what I've seen is mighty fine, but Arrested Development is as genius as it gets, and if not better, then deserves the same league/ranking as Sports Night.

Michelle de Seattle said...

Dear T,
DB says you know good party food. Can you give me a good party food recipe? I would be so grateful.