Sunday, October 01, 2006

Life Imitates Art

I just heard about this, and wanted to share. A teacher in Texas took her fifth grade class to an Art Museum. (So far, so good.) While at the museum, one of her fifth graders inadvertantly saw a nude sculpture. The parents of said child claimed that the kid was permanently scarred for life, and would suffer immeasurable emotional harm. So, what happened? The teacher was fired. Huh. Thoughts?

Just finished The Human Story. Really enjoyed it. Great overview of human history, and I've just started The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyon. Good stuff.

All right, so thoughts about the teacher issue....

(Thanks for stopping by...)



Anonymous said...

I think it's bullshit that the teacher got fired. In order to go on a field trip, parents must sign a permission slip. If they knew their child was going to an art museum, they should know there is a possibility that their child will be exposed to nudity. Besides, I don't believe a child would be scarred for life...I mean, eventually the kid will have sex, correct? Seeing a nude sculpture isn't going to scar someone for life. Those parents should be stabbed in the neck with toothpicks...that's right, toothpicks.

The Notorious M.T.P.

Jen said...

I covered this on Blogging Baby the other day, so you can see my thoughts on the matter there. What are YOURS?

You should go to Blogging Baby and comment on my story.

Blogging Baby story

Jen said...

Darn, that link didn't work. Trying again:

Blogging Baby Story