Monday, November 05, 2007

RANT ALERT!! (with self-disparaging realization near the end...)

So, last night when Bibi and I were watching tv, I saw what is, in my opinion, the WORST thing that tv, and corporate America, does....start Christmas adverts TOO early.

No! No! No!!! I mean it here, I'm not kidding around! The rule is, and I take this VERY seriously...NO Christmas advertising until AFTER Thanksgiving!!! There is a REASON that the Thanksgiving Day parade ENDS with Santa Claus...THAT is the official start of the CHristmas Season, and not a damn day before, ok!? Are you listening out there?

So, today, after having all of those angry thoughts run through my head, I decided that I would start making a list of books that I want for Christmas.

Readers Everywhere--A hypocritesayswhat?!


Readers Everywhere--Exactly.

Thanks for stopping by...


1 comment:

JNo said...

TOTALLY AGREE with the Christmas advertizing. It's wrong that Hallmark has their ornament on display before my birthday (end of July)! I know it's the only reason a lot of stores end the year in the black, but we're losing the meaning of the season.