Wednesday, November 23, 2005


So, I've decided to follow Sara's lead and write a blog before Thanksgiving about all that I am thankful for. So, here goes...

Ahead of eveything...God.
1. Bibi. I love you! I am thankful for how much fun we have together (Taco Bell sauce packet fights, nicknames, and deep conversations about COUNTRY MUSIC?!). I'm thankful for our ability to be total dorks in front of each other. I'm thankful for the conversations we have, and the way that you just "get" know? I love you babe!
2. My family. As I grow I realize how important my family is, and I feel like more of a doofus every day for not appreciating what I have.
3. I'm thankful for the fact that I'm one of the lucky few who actually LOVES his job...I don't just like it...I don't tolerate it...I LOVE it...even on the days when I'm tired and cranky...this is an unbelievable honor to be able to do this every day.
4. Good coffee.
5. Frank Sinatra.
6. Johnny Cash.
7. Books, books and more books. Or, more to the point, the fact that I'm able to read!
8. Kaya, my sweet dog.
9. The view out my front window.
10. Sunrises.
11. Sunsets. (in that order)
12. Quiet, autumnal days, sitting in the window seat of Java Co, with Bibi reading and sipping coffee.
13. Life, in general.
14. All of my friends.
15. All of my memories.

Thats all. Thanks for reading...


girlski said...

thankful for johnny cash, huh? i'll take credit for that one!!! ha!

oh, and since when do you listen to country music....and even better, since when do you have deep conversation about country music?!

Jen said...

Tommy, we are thankful for you as well. For your friendship, and also, I am extremely grateful that you love your job.

Sam is 12 today. Can you believe it?