Monday, November 28, 2005

Post Thanksgiving Slump

Hey ya'll! So, the title sounds kind of negative, but I'm really not. It just seems like I'm never ready for the onslaught of the holiday season, and this year is no different. It's too warm out, and I'm just not feeling know? Ok, maybe you don't. This was the first year that I was not with my family for Thanksgiving. I had a great time with Bibi's family, and it was really neat to experience the holiday with another family (let alone, my future family)...(sidebar: I majored in English and I just used the word "neat"?!?!)Anyway, I just don't feel like it's time yet, and I'd like to be my usual chipper self, so we'll see if that happens soon, all right?

Anyway, over the break I read a couple of books...I read another book by Christopher Moore, "Practical Demonkeeping". I tell you, if you haven't checked him out, he's amazing. "Lamb" is still my favorite, but all of his books are hilarious. Then I read "About a Boy" by Nick Hornby. I saw the movie a couple of years ago, and it really didn't impress me. Didn't much care for it at all, to be honest. However, this one came recommended, so I read it, and it was really good. VERY different from the movie, which probably made it enjoyable for me. The book alternates between narrators, first Will, the Hugh Grant character, and Marcus, the odd, quirky, yet strangely endearing 12 year old. Good story about how life REALLY is...not about how it should be.

I've now started a book that so far isn't very good, and i"m actually considering stopping, which RARELY happens. I'm going to give it a couple more chapters, but we may be cutting it short.

Ok, so highlights from the long weekend: (in no particular order)
1. Watching Harry Potter with Bibi and just LAUGHING hysterically, and just really, really enjoying myself.
2. Playing Texas Hold'Em with Bibi's family, and her 7 year old sister kicking everyone's butts!!!! (That girl is SMART!!!)
3. Playing Cranium and laughing hysterically. (There's nothing quite like trying to do an impression of Elvis in front of your future inlaws. (c;)
4. Kaya "attacking my friend Dave's mother's dog, Cassie," getting in to pull the two dogs apart, and realizing that Kaya couldn't hurt a fly, because SHE"S GOT NO TEETH!!!!
5. Putting up my Christmas tree, listening to Christmas CD's, while baking cookies with Bibi, and her whole house.
6. Realizing that I COULD survive a Thanksgiving without turkey. (Although, if anyone has any leftovers, I wouldn't mind helping you eat them!!!)

I'm sure there's more, but that's all I've got for now.

Oh, there is one other thing. Something odd struck me as we were driving home yesterday. Bibi was reading a Spanish novel for one of her classes, and I was driving. We were basically just driving with the radio on, and it was quiet. Now, I've always been one to sing loudly whenever I drive anywhere. And, it struck me that whenever I travel I always look in other people's cars, and observe them. I've always thought that I was having more fun as I was driving. I don't know, it just seemed like it was so boring, all the cars where people were not talking, or singing...I don't know.
Anyway, as Bibi and I were driving yesterday, in silence, I would glance over at her every once in a while. My heart was just filled with this sense of love...I know that love is NOT just a feeling, but at that time, I was filled with knowing how much I loved her...and that, regardless of how much fun I have had in solo drives while I sing, and talk to myself...there is NOTHING sweeter, at least nothing I've experienced, than being able to sit in my car with the woman I love, for three hours....just being able to be close to her, and watch her read her book...she looked SO beautiful, so peaceful sitting there. It was...I don't was magnificent. Yeah...that's what it was.

Ok, that's all I got for now. Hope everyone had fun, and remembered to be thankful...

and I'm thankful for you all for reading...


Unknown said...

What did you eat if you didn't eat turkey? Love reading your blog, friend.

Jen said...

I loved this, even after you told me about it.

What book are you considering ditching?