Monday, February 06, 2006

Monday Monday

Hey ya'll...

So, this weekend was kind of eventful. Friday night Bibi had sorority stuff, and my man Dave came into town. Hung out, went out, had good times, by all. Saturday we went to Java Co., read, relaxed, etc. Sat afternoon Dave decided to go back to KC, and I got ready for Bibi and my date. We were re-enacting our first date. That was awesome...we had a great time, had good food, watched "Garden State" (if you haven't seen it...I highly recommend it) and just relaxed and had a VERY pleasant evening.

Sunday, after we went to Java Co., we went back to Bibi's house and decided that we needed to investigate the stink that had been emanating from the back area of the house all week. After cleaning the area, Bibi was really concerned. (And, with good cause.) Finally, either Bibi or her housemate thought we should check out the basement/cellar. There is a trap door right in front of Bibi's room that leads to the basement. So, we opened it up, and I started down the steps. At which time Bibi said, is that water down there? then we noticed the smell was a lot stronger. Then we turned on the light. Then we all almost threw up. Eight and a half inches of poo-water was standing strong in her basement. We know it was eight and a half inches b/c yours truly measured that nasty-arse stuff.

With a ruler.

Oh, and someone drove their car into Ophelia Parrish yesterday, too.

Watched the SuperBowl at Il Spazio. The guys who own it were trying some new dishes, and we got to try them out. VERY good.

Then we watched Grey's Anatomy. VERY VERY VERY Good.

Now it's Monday! Woo Hoo!!!

Oh, and I finished The Prophet. Unbelievable. Probably one of the most impactful (is that a word?!) books I've ever read. It was fantastic...I'd recommend it whole-heartedly.

Now I'm reading The Comfort of Strangers as per a friend's suggestion. (Thanks Brad.)

thanks for reading...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tommy-glad you've picked up Ian McEwan. Although sarah and I started the book back in the fall we finally finished it last week. ummm. the story has left me nearly incapacitated. you'll know what i mean when you finish.