Wednesday, March 29, 2006

morning constitutional...

So, about a week back, Bibi's car went kaput. We talked and decided that we were fine as we are, and we didn't need to worry about getting a replacement...we became a one car family. I gotta say, it's been a breeze so far! I mean, I'm at work all day, so I obviously don't need a car, and the town we live in is small enough that, in all honesty, I really don't need to worry about it all that much anyway. Take today, for example.

Bibi had a late night of studying last night, so this morning I drove over to her house, and dropped off the car. I didn't want her to have to get up, so I walked the rest of the way to school. It was about four blocks-ish, maybe a quarter to half a mile. (FYI--My ability to judge distances is not to be trusted...). It was 7:00, and I had to get to school in time for a meeting about the infamous MAP testing. Needless to say, I was NOT looking forward to the meeting, but couldn't help but enjoy the was a breezy 40 degrees, I'd wager, and the sun was was absolutely peaceful and serene...I had my coffee, the sunshine on my face, and a balmy (Bibi and I looked it means mild and refreshing!!!) breeze brining alive every inch of my skin. It felt really did! In fact, the morning has been less than ideal, (challenges, problems, situations, etc.), but all I can think about is how damn good my morning is REALLY going!

I might want to continue doing this!

Maybe not when it's raining though...(c;

Thanks for reading...

1 comment:

Stace said...

Very cool post. Nice to see some people still enjoy the simple things. Are you two getting this year?