Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Yea Hump Day

So, today has been incredible so far. Man! Last night started it all off. It was kind, well...crappy for Bibi. Her basement is flooded with sewage. Um...again. So, her landlord put her and her roommates up in a hotel her in town, and we all hung out in the hottub for a while. Then, I went to karaoke, which was great, and I overslept a LITTLE this morning, which meant that I'm well rested.

Today aLIVE today. (c; Well, I absolutely LOVE teaching Social Studies, and this morning has been a Social Studies-tastic day. Both classes have been ON. I mean, bing bang boom, we're answering questions, explaining causes and effects, etc. etc. etc. It's been GREAT!!!!

And, it's like 65 out, which translates to NICE. (c;

All right, I'm going to go spread my sunshiny happiness somewhere else. Have a GREAT Wednesday everyone!



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