Thursday, December 15, 2005

"have a little help from my friends..."

All right, so last night the moving began. I had packed up about 10 boxes worth of my crap (not to mention thrown out about 5 garbage bags FULL of crap) and I got all that moved over to my new house. My friend Dan came over then to help me move. Well, I was out of boxes. God bless him, Dan...was not out of boxes. He had a plethora of boxes, of all sizes. So, while I helped Bibi jumpstart her car (love you babe!!!) Dan went to his house and got the boxes situated. Then, we spent about an hour and a half boxing up more of my crap, listening to the Who (greatest band EVER) and then hauled the stuff back into town. (I'm SO excited about not having to drive that drive anymore.)

So, to Dan...who is as strong as an ox and as anal as an OCD librarian, who understood the need to pack the books I HAVE read and the books I HAVEN'T read in different boxes. Thanks man. I owe you a beer. (Or two or three or...)

Peace out...

Thanks for reading...oh, wait! "I Know This Much is True" is AWESOME! I'm REALLY enjoying it. It's been a very interesting journey; the book discusses family, history, patterns in one's life, grief, blame, forgiveness, religion, spirituality (of course theres a difference) as well as a host of other things. One of the lines in the book, and, I just tried to find it, but I couldn't, so this is a paraphrase, says something to the effect of, "books reflect ourselves. Through reading, we are able to look at ourselves and see who we really are." Ah, that was horrible, but you get the idea.

Oh, and from books change people....people change the world.

Ok, really...thanks for reading...

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hahahahaha, OCD as a librarian. That is hilarious.

But I understand about the books, too.