Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Hump day

So, yeah, I was just kidding yesterday when I said that I was going to give you the answer to the trivia question. However, typing doesnt' quite express the appropriate tone that my voice (or, at least what I HOPE my voice) does. So, instead of being clever and amusing, I just looked forgetful. So the answer is...

Today is Wednesday. My class is having a Read-In. We are going to relax and enjoy ourselves while reading for pleasure. (I think it's absolutely crucial to instill a love of reading in my kids.) Then, this afternoon I'm taking my class to the local Humane Shelter to donate all kinds of stuff to the shelter, and to play with the puppies and...(ugh)...cats. Tonight some friends are having a Winter Solstice party, and Bibi and I are looking forward to that. Tomorrow is one big party, and I"m playing Santa Claus for the kids. Good times....good times.

Last night, to celebrate selling my house, Bibi and I went all out and had a REALLY nice dinner together. We just sat and chatted for a long time and enjoyed each other's company. It was great.

Home on Friday and Christmas with the family!!!

Hope things are going so well for everyone reading this...

(A: Toto.)


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