Monday, February 27, 2006


Hey ya'll! So, I've upped the number of "Life Soundtracks" I've received. I now have 10, although that's not from ten different people--some of you have made Life Soundtracks Volumes 1-4. (Although the four disc is actually going to be an anthology...the four I have are just of the years 20-25.)

So, for those of you who were thinking about doing it...and didn't...or thought I'd forgotten, well, GET CRACKIN!!!! (c;

This weekend was good. Saw Lewis Black at Truman Friday night, and had a small scavenger hunt for Bibi afterwards for her b-day. Saturday was relaxing...did laundry, read, organized CD's, etc. Bibi's new sorority formal was Saturday night, and we go there a bit later, which was great, b/c evidently there was some drama--imagine that...drama at a sorority event...huh--and we missed it. (I prefer no drama with my festive events, thank you very much)

Sunday was a lazy day, lounging around and relaxing....Grey's Anatomy was GREAT last night.

Still working on The Best and the Brightest. It's a bit slow going, but you can't exactly gloss over the events leading up to the Vietnam War, can you? (c;

Oh, and for those of you who aren't paying attention to the Dubai Ports deal; The company that is attempting to purchase the ports has requested that we take time to fully investigate the deal and the company to make sure things are on the straight and narrow.

Sounds solid to me. (As it did to the three government agencies that all investigated the deal prior to approving it....which, you know, they did. (c;)

Love ya all...thanks for reading...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aargh - in the interest of spending time with friends, i caught the closing ceremonies instead of grey's anatomy. it was good, huh? what is it about that show?? i'm quite hooked.