Thursday, March 02, 2006

New Deal

I recently stopped reading a book, which I rarely do. In fact, I don't think I've "quit" on a book in almost four years. Last time I did it was shortly after my sister moved to Kansas City. long ago WAS that Sarah?

Anywho, I'm not reading a book I bought about 6 years ago, that I never got around to. It's called "Postville", and it's a recounting of the conflict that occurred in Postville Iowa between the residents of the town and the Hassidic Jewish population that moved in, in order to run a kosher slaughterhouse. So far I'm only a little way into it, but it's been exceptionally frustrating. The author is a self-proclaimed big-city journalist from San Francisco, who is blown-away by the quaintness of small town Iowa. He moved to Iowa City (just 25-30 minutes away from my hometown of Cedar Rapids) and continually lambasts the community for it's "backward" qualities. He mocks the "behind-the-times" rebelliousness of the U of I student body, the back-roads, country-bumpkin, hill-billy, barely veiled antisemitism he meets at every corner.

Now, to be sure, I have no doubt that he--unfortunately--met with some ignorant people in his time. But his only visit to Cedar Rapids was to visit the Linn County Pork Festival (which, by and by, I've NEVER heard of) instead of visiting the Science Station, the Symphony, the Community Theatre, or the Cedar Rapids Art Museum.

It's frustrating to see my home town portrayed in such a two-dimensional and stereotypical fashion. I'm sure that moving to Iowa was a shock to his system, but his account of his co-workers at the University of Iowa only choice of recreation being hunting, is hardly the case. Sure, people in the midwest hunt. But there's more to do than that!!!!

When I bought the book I was looking forward to an analysis of two very different cultures coming together in an unusual way...not a static and one-sided description of how small-minded and sad our midwest way of life is.

I will continue...I will read on...but I'm frustrated for now.

That is all.

Thanks for reading...


Anonymous said...

hey tommy-tom-tom. I've seen the book in barnes and noble and thought it looked interesting. I never picked it up because I was pretty sure it was going to be like what you said.
I like the 'behind the times' rebelliousness of U of I students. Not like the ground-breaking,unique, and advanced rebelliousnes of Berkeley, right? what a douchebag!

Unknown said...

I've been to Postville.