Thursday, July 06, 2006

An Angry Post...

Hey ya'll!

Well, today was kind of interesting. I woke up and made some coffee. (Nothing too weird so far.) I was sitting on our front porch reading a biography of Paul Revere (it's good, and it's very well written.) when a truck started driving by. (Again, not too weird, it IS Kirksville, and pick-up trucks are the mode of transportation of choice for the vast majority of Kirksville's citizens).

This pick-up truck drove in front of my house. As it passed the tree, just to the left of the house, I glanced up again. I saw two young guys in the truck both laughing....the one on the passenger side leaned out the window, reached deep down inside and halked a ginormous lougie (sp?!) on my car. As the spit flew out of his mouth he looked up and saw me. I immediately threw down my book, jumped up and ran off the porch. I, again, immediately, stepped on one of those spiky pine-cone ball seedlings that litter my frontyard, (I was barefoot) and ran through the yard to try and get the punk's license plate (I was too late). I called the police (yes, I felt foolish reporting it, but damn it I was pissed!!!!) and they said they'd see what they could do. I sat for another hour on the porch stewing and HOPING they'd drive by again so I could get the license plate. Yeah, that didn't happen. Ugh. Stupid asshats.

All right....more later...

Thanks for reading! (c;


1 comment:

JNo said...

Call Sheila T or me with a description of the truck - sounds like some of our darling students. We could probably figure out from the truck description or kid description who goobered your car.