Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We are the Grapes of do not cross our Path!!! (Attempt Two)

Ok...this morning I tried to do this this morning, and it didn't, we'll try it again.

Sorry for the cheesy title, but I had to quote Veggietales. (For those of you who don't know what that is, carry on. For those of you who do, what are you doing watching cartoons at your age?!)

All right, so I was thinking about what I wrote yesterday about Dylan's writing. And, the thing that struck me, and that I forgot to write about yesterday, was how much Dylan reminds me of the main character from The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinback. Tom Joad exudes this sense of how things SHOULD be in the world...he is all about doing whatever he can...regardless of how small or how seemingly futile that work is....I don't know I guess I kind of see Joad as the polar opposite of Jack Kerouac....that's just my opinion, so it could easily be contested. (Holly!!!) But, I really found that I admired Joad, and looked up to him....he was someone that could easily be...sorry, not so much easily...but....well, hmm.....someone that I would WANT to emulate....does that make sense?

Anyway...thats all. Oh! Earlier this week Jenorama let me in on a new little toy for this blog. I now have a that means that I know how many people look at my blog! But, the REALLY cool thing is that I can see where, and who (by process of geographic origination) is reading my blog!

For instance, there is someone from Baring (I assume Dan!) reading...someone from Nebraska...(Brandon and Keri?!); someone from Philadelphia (hi Kelli!); a couple of people from KC (hi Rachel, Sarah, and Jen! (anyone else?!); as well as many others! (Georgia!!!)

And, who in the world is reading my blog from the United Kingdom?!

That's all!

Thanks for stopping by!



Anonymous said...

Can you see me, Tommy? ;)
We missed you at Chinese.

Anonymous said...

i'm reading from Arkansas!
(beth rozier....'member me?)

Anonymous said...

guilty as charged! i'm always on the prowl for good books recommended by well-read friends -- so thanks, tommy, and keep 'em comin'!!