Tuesday, July 18, 2006

insert clever title here

So, I'm reading Chronicles, by Bob Dylan. It's interesting....the thing that I've noticed, is that Dylan's voice, his manner of telling the story of his life, well, it reminds me of Jack Kerouac. But, not the "real" Jack Kerouac; the Kerouac that I imagined Kerouac would sound like before I read On The Road. See, I had this vision of the beat poets, and it was epitomized by Jack. There was supposed to be an idealism, an optimism, a hope in their writing.

There wasn't.

In all honesty, in my humble opinion, and anyone is welcome to argue with me, I think that On The Road is one of the most overrated books ever. (Of course, I can only judge based on the books that I have read.) It was a jumble of ADHD-riddled prose that seemed more focused on writing a boring sentence in a creative way, using $5 words, than writing challenging thoughts and interesting ideas. Does that make sense?

Dylan though...man...what a voice! The way he writes about so many different things all in one paragraph! It's the same mixture that you'd find in Kerouac's writing, but...it's this heart stopping mind-grabbing text that takes your breath...it's fascinating....

Man, well, it's a bit intimidating trying to write about it.

So, that's all.

Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

Stace said...

I agree On The Road was just one big run on sentance.